Trifecta of Horror — London Hedgers, Elderly GOP and Oligarchs

The Gallowglaich
5 min readJun 26, 2020


When the British Government postponed/cancelled the Parliamentary vote about BREXIT on 10th December 2018 it was a shock and a disgrace. The UK Conservative and Unionist Party acted wholly in contempt of Parliament in the knowledge that the certain loss of that vote would most likely lead to Parliament then effectively taking control of the BREXIT process. They were fully aware this would probably lead to either a revocation of the Article 50 notification to proceed or at the least a second Plebiscite vote:

Following that, the 200–117 vote of confidence by the parliamentary Conservative Party members of Parliament was simply a foregone conclusion. This deal represented Party instructions allowing Theresa May time enough to get the Leaving done, then resign before the next General Election, probably immediately after the formal departure of Britain from the European Union. This second event on 12th December 2018 was inevitable following the earlier decision by the Conservative Party and it’s backers effectively telling the UK parliament to go away and fuck themselves:

So the whole time-wasting farce continues for months if not longer, as Vlad always wanted. As the Bannonites are attempting, as it seems certain the English Tory Party are complicit in.

Many may describe the above as a “Conspiracy Theory”, but I suspect they may realise in time that this is not some shallow little game limited to the English political cocoon, but has been something which has occurred over a few years, not as an organised planned “conspiracy” as such, but rather as the actions of three groups whose objectives and intentions happen to overlap (see a to c below) and between whom there is some degree of communication, if not detailed collusion or planning as such.

These two major events in British parliamentary history mean that the situation has almost certainly moved from there being a steadily increasing chance that either a second Plebiscite vote would be held or that Article 50 would be revoked. In my opinion, those two possibilities is now longer the most likely scenario. It has become clear that the Conservative Party as a whole is much more in favour of having BREXIT happen in any shape or form than previously thought. As it now stands, without substantial changes occurring, there is likely to a very big crash out with minimal “deals” with the EU 27, who have had enough and will be unlikely to do any more negotiating.

At the end of the day no-one at all truly can say what will happen, such is the confusion and uncertainty which reigns as of mid-December.

The two events suggest that some have been badly over-estimating the likelihood that another referendum vote will be called, or that Article 50 will be revoked. There remain chances for both, but it needs more fight from the general population, who as the joke goes, have been like mushrooms for a very, very long time, kept in the dark and fed shit, now by a badly compromised and threatened BBC, in addition to almost all the Tory owned and controlled media.

It seems that in UK now most people care little and understand even less what is going on, outside the media commentators and chattering political class in London. Plenty of materialistic shopping, celebrity culture and consuming is easily available to try to dull the pain of knowing deep down, something is very, very wrong somewhere, somehow, that thing are controlled from far away They have even less comprehension about what are the real forces behind the events of the last few years.

The following three groups have acted in each other’s perceived interests, such that even were Donald J. Trump and Theresa May to disappear in a puff of smoke tomorrow, things would likely continue with new placard frontispiece figures in place:

a) Tory SE England “Wealth” & City of London “hedge-funders” (all-encompassing generic term) wishing to have England out of the “Socialist” EU to reduce tax and welfare payments (SE Tories) and become the island tax haven “Spiders Web” centre running the pelican show via the 14 CDOTs (Crown Dependencies-Territories).$FILE/ey-brexit-uk-crown-dependencies-and-overseas-territories.pdf

b) The Right of the US Republican Party, including several organisations and Billionaires (Mercer, Thiel, Adelson, Murdoch etc.) who wish London to be outside EU clutches and influence as part of a wider “Managed Democracy”. This to counter an inevitable decline in GOP due to demographic changes over time. The public face is Mr. Bannon and his Euro-Catholic tours, but there are many more besides.

c) Globally operating Russian Oligarch & Organised Crime interests (and other nationalities of course), whose funds have grown enormously in recent years. They need a good, safe home, nice compliant government, haven islands in warm places like Cyprus & Caymans, minimal interference in businesses and general affairs, good restaurants, culture & hotels plus decent schools & hospitals for their families.

That is quite a nasty little trifecta, with some considerable clout I think all can agree. Referring to at all as a “Conspiracy Theory” is a little silly, as can be seen as time goes on.

“At the demise of empire, City of London financial interests created a web of secrecy jurisdictions that captured wealth from across the globe and hid it in a web of offshore islands. Today, up to half of global offshore wealth is hidden in British jurisdictions and Britain and its dependencies are the largest global players in the world of international finance”.

The Spider’s Web — An investigation into the world of Britain’s secrecy jurisdictions and the City of London.

John Christensen is the co-founder and executive director of the Tax Justice Network. His investigations into the role of tax havens in the globalised economy started in 1978, and have included fourteen years working on the tax haven of Jersey.

All three (a-c) have common overlapping interests, which has resulted in a strong push to get London out from under the EU nose.



The Gallowglaich
The Gallowglaich

Written by The Gallowglaich

Independent Researcher and Writer

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