Kiwi Banksie n Wiggie
Kiwi Banksie n Wiggie
Aaron “Stolichnaya” Banks and the horrific Andrew “Berlin Station” Wigmore are both happily hiding out “in plain sight” in New Zealand, the place where quite a lot of wealthy men have retreat spots to visit for a few months. A certain Silicon valley weirdo, Mr. Peter Thiel springs to mind.
A couple of really very nasty sociopathic little shits of the highest order. Thumbs up!!
Maybe they are all having one great big Lockdown Party out there with Messrs Chandler and Mellon (see below) and one or two others. They certainly seem to believe they have the world and it’s suffering population at their disgusting feet.
Here are Wiggie and Banksie demonstrating their superlative, sophisticated sense of humour in some shorts, outside a building in Hamilton, Bermuda:
All very intriguing, as well as deeply nauseating, as is this: Gene manipulation engineering by a company called AGeX, owned by Juvenescence, an outfit in turn owned by one Mr. Jim Mellon, very good friend and BREXIT activator and funder, based in the Isle of Man and everywhere he feels like going basically. A true globalist, Jimmy made his cash piles getting Gazprom share certificates for peanuts from old ladies in Irkutsk during early 1990s Soviet collapse and selling on later, as did one Christopher Chandler, a New Zealander who set up the extreme right “lobbyists” Legatum “Institute” in London. Lovely men. Opportunistic go-getting entrepreneurs I suppose, but basically it’s rooted in Mellon’s wanting to be able to get a stone-harder at the age of 100 so he can carry on porking lady-friends with a stretched skin face.
“Engineering strategies for generating hypoimmunogenic cells with high clinical and commercial value,” [my underline].
Drugs to allow rich people to “stay young” for an extra 10–20 years in other words.
The whole system is farcical and dishonesty is so easy to facilitate it has just become a huge joke hidden behind mealy-mouthed doublethink. The people at Tax Justice Network with decades of work behind them would laugh hard in your face if you tried to suggest that Lux, Dublin or NL were in the same league as London or the variety of Islands in the Sun you seem to be able to persuade are somehow innocent. Laugh very hard indeed. They know that the “mindset” of people who work at Partner level in places like Applebys in Bermuda (for example) are able to self-convince that what they do is just fine and completely honest. Those men have a quite extraordinary mental ability to close off to the actuality of what they facilitate and it’s consequences.
Bermuda is a place which exists only for this purpose really. The name Appleby caught the eye yet again, as does a little Hamilton outfit called NT Butterfield, which has also been heavily involved in certain activities at least since the mid 1970s via “a few London based companies” related to gigantic illegal arms sales, as well as larceny, bribery and corruption on a truly vast scale.
UK Parliament Hansard, January 1996: “Those middlemen included Wafic Said, who became a business partner of the right hon. Member for South Thanet (Mr. Aitken) and a close friend of, and generous benefactor to, the Conservative party. They included Mark Thatcher, the son of the then Prime Minister, who gave 10 Downing street as his address at the time, but who was later given his own house and other lavish benefits by Wafic Said and who has become mysteriously and inordinately rich. Among those who shared the millions of pounds sucked from those commissions was the former Cabinet Minister and former Chief Secretary to the Treasury, the right hon. Member for South Thanet. Some of those secret commissions on the Al Yamamah deal have been handled by British Aerospace through a British “businessman”, Douglas Leese, who has close connections with an offshore bank, the Bank of NT Butterfield in Bermuda”.
It’s now Sir Douglas Leese (grateful thanks given) and he lives in Florida in some comfort, with greedy, lying little shit Mark Thatcher. ensconced nicely in Dallas TX, safe out of harm’s way:
Recently and memorably in view of some associations with some high profile men, one of whom died in custody last year, in relation to Deutsche Bank: