Blessed are the Money-Makers: A Libertarian Autocratic Christian Military Industrial Northern Alliance for the 21st Century

The Gallowglaich
3 min readFeb 22, 2019


Cute: Old Lady, Priest and Child With Candles

(a) Northern Autocratic Alliance: Everyone other than those doing it and perhaps some intelligence groups and a few journalists and other enlightened individuals has underestimated the amount of linking up that has been going on between the Bannon/Mercer US Billions crowd and the RU Orthodoxers and bandit-oligarchs. They had a plan and if you read Master Bannon’s words (for example) in recent times, it was all discussed and started on several years ago. The United Kingdom plays more than a minor role in it all. They want the islands as a weekend stopover and logistics base — well Londonski actually. The rest of Britain can go to hell.

(b) How Russia Became a Leader of the Worldwide Christian Right

(c) Christian Libertarianism:. It did not start with wacko Ayn Rand, who was just an opportunist who stripped away the God stuff, or even good old Ronnie Reagan who was the latest of the selected corporate frontmen. It all started as a marketing plan way back in the 1930s to counter “New Deal” so-called socialism, which eventually became conflated with bogeyman communism. The wedding of religious fundamentals, “free market” economic ideologies and rugged individualism to Christianity. A very large concerted effort. “Blessed are the Money-Makers!” A complete reversal of original Christian philosophies! Quite brilliantly done.

How ‘One Nation’ Didn’t Become ‘Under God’ Until The ’50s Religious Revival

Kruse’s book investigates how the idea of America as a Christian nation was promoted in the 1930s and ’40s when industrialists and business lobbies, chafing against the government regulations of the New Deal, recruited and funded conservative clergy to preach faith, freedom and free enterprise. He says this conflation of Christianity and capitalism moved to center stage in the ’50s under Eisenhower’s watch.

“According to the conventional narrative, the Soviet Union discovered the bomb and the United States rediscovered God,” Kruse says. “In order to push back against the atheistic communism of the Soviet Union, Americans re-embraced a religious identity. That plays a small role here, but … there’s actually a longer arc. That Cold War consensus actually helps to paper over a couple decades of internal political struggles in the United States. If you look at the architects of this language … the state power that they’re worried most about is not the Soviet regime in Moscow, but rather the New Deal and Fair Deal administrations in Washington, D.C.”

(d) Military Industrial Complex: Despite Eisenhower’s 1961 “Military Industrial Complex” speech, he still could not fight them. It has always been twisted somewhat to appear eventually as if the Military-Industrial-Complex was a socialist/commie invented phrase, but in fact Eisenhower first used it on 17th January 1961. Now, we could not have that could we? It has all been too strong, very powerful and highly influential. Just how it was back then and again, perhaps now.

Military-Industrial Complex Speech, Dwight D. Eisenhower, 196–industrial_complex



The Gallowglaich
The Gallowglaich

Written by The Gallowglaich

Independent Researcher and Writer

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